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Steered Straight Thrift

Word From the Editor: We Never Know, Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

Every week for the past four years I would have a weekly call with Mr. Thom Christy to record the Pulse Radio Report for WQJZ.

I had no indication that a routine mid-November recording would be our final one.

The following weekend, Thom injured his head from an accident at his home and did not recover.

I tried to keep my mind occupied when 4 p.m. rolled around that next Tuesday, knowing there would be no more recording sessions with Thom.

Each week, Thom would ask me for a “word of wisdom.” I’m not certain why he began this tradition for this report primarily focused on local music, business, events and news, but I did my best to come up with an inspiring or thoughtful quote every week.

During our final recording—due to air the week of Thanksgiving and which I suppose will be the “lost Pulse Radio Report” that never made it to air due to his passing—I offered as the word of wisdom (thanks to the suggestion from Sarah): In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ.

I imagine it has been difficult for Thom’s family and friends to remain in a spirit of thankfulness during this time of heartbreaking loss, but I dedicated my Thanksgiving week to Mr. Thom Christy. I am grateful for his support of my business and vision, and I have reminded myself over the past days that I am blessed to have known this champion of music, small businesses, community, spiritual health, charity, independent media and noble endeavors.

Thom volunteered a great deal of his time to getting community information on Murfreesboro’s little jazz station, 103.9, and numerous other individuals in town also had weekly recording appointments with him.

“Please celebrate the life he lived and please pray for his wife, Gloria,” according to a statement from the family. “Once we navigate through this time we will put out information for a celebration of life in the new year.”

And that is this week’s Pulse Radio Report.

Many in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina continue to manage great difficulties and loss, as well.

The unprecedented hurricane that hit the Appalachians truly devastated much of that area. Hundreds died and dozens more are still missing.

Losing a loved one would probably be the worst thing to go through related to the storm—homes can be rebuilt, other cars and clothing can be acquired—but many families have some serious property loss ordeals to deal with.

Not only are people’s homes gone, some of their land has disappeared. What if you were paying a mortgage on a property and not only was the home destroyed, but much of the land washed down the hillside in a mudslide or is underwater due to a redirected river? These Americans continue to try and rebuild their lives and towns out there.

We never know when a disaster may strike or when someone will live their last day.

I know this probably was not my most joyful writing, but may your month be filled with joy and peace. Make some memories this holiday season.

Visit, laugh, decorate the tree, play in the cold, make some cookies, see some lights, go somewhere new, sing some carols, play some games. Enjoy life, your family and your friends.



About the Author

Bracken, a 2003 graduate of MTSU’s journalism program, is the founder and publisher of the Murfreesboro Pulse. He lives in Murfreesboro with his wife, graphic artist and business partner, Sarah, and sons, Bracken Jr. and Beckett. Bracken enjoys playing the piano, sushi, football, chess, Tool, jogging, his backyard, hippie music, ice skating, Chopin, rasslin’, swimming, soup, tennis, sunshine, brunch, revolution and frying things. Connect with him on LinkedIn

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