Jan. 2–5 – Seasonal Skating Rink at SOAC
Visit the seasonal ice skating rink at the Smyrna Outdoor Adventure Center (100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna) Jan. 2–4 from noon–8 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 5, from 1–6 p.m. The 82-by-46-foot synthetic ice rink is an exciting addition to the Smyrna Parks and Recreation Department. Participants of all ages and abilities are welcome. The Saturday, Jan. 4 theme is Disney on Ice. Come dressed as your favorite Disney character. The cost to skate is $7 for adults, $5 for children/seniors (12 and under) and free for SOAC members. Parking is available at the event center or the Splashtown Parking Lot. For more information, visit townofsmyrna.org.
Jan. 4 – Behind-the-Scenes for Photographers
Join Rutherford Arts Alliance for an exclusive multi-day photography event on Saturday, Jan. 4, from 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Murfreesboro’s Center for the Arts (110 W. College St.) has granted permission for attendees to access and photograph the backstage area and dressing rooms. In addition, participants will be able to photograph an on-stage rehearsal, followed by photographing the final dress rehearsal prior to opening night. There will be an added bonus of a presentation on tips/techniques for capturing show images. Participants can also attend a follow-up round table session to share the images and discuss the behind-the-scenes experience. For more information, visit rutherfordartsalliance.org.
Jan. 4 – Family Campfire & Night Hike
Join the Smyrna Outdoor Adventure Center staff on Saturday, Jan. 4, for a Family Campfire & Night Hike at Sharp Springs Natural Area (1000 Espey Dr., Smyrna, behind the Green Building). This event will take place from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and includes fun games, s’mores and a guided night hike designed to increase your knowledge and comfort in the darkness. The cost is $2 per person, and all ages are welcome, though children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Event is canceled if inclement weather occurs. Registration is suggested through Community Pass. For more information, email mike.kraft@townofsmyrna.org.
Jan. 9 – Snake Feeding at the Wilderness Station
Learn all about snake adaptations and how they swallow their food whole with a live demonstration of the educational snakes being fed at the Wilderness Station (401 Volunteer Rd.) on Thursday, Jan. 9, at 10 a.m. How many ribs do snakes have? What’s the difference between poisonous and venomous? These questions and more will be answered. For more information, call 615-217-3017.
Jan. 11 – New Year, New You Class Sampler
Ring in the new year with sample exercise classes offered at Patterson Park Community Center (521 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.) on Saturday, Jan. 11 at 9 a.m., in a two-hour event, taught in 15-minute mini sessions. All fitness levels are welcome. General admission or facility pass is required. For more information, call 615-893-7439.
Jan. 12 – Cedar Glade Classic Car Cruise-In
Shine ‘er up and drive ‘er in at the Cedar Glade Brews (906 Ridgely Rd.) second Sunday of the month classic car cruise-in on Sunday, Jan. 12, from 1–4 p.m. Car-ticipants get a free CGB pint (1 per car). Stick around for trivia at 5 p.m. There is no sign-up required and no cost to participate. For more information, visit cedargladebrews.com or find the CGB Classic Car Cruise-In event on Facebook.
Jan. 14 – Home Builders Breakfast Meeting
Join the Home Builders Association of Central Tennessee and guest speaker Matthew Hill on Tuesday, Jan. 14, for breakfast at Embassy Suites by Hilton Nashville SE (1200 Conference Center Blvd.) from 7:30–9:30 a.m. For more information, find the HBACT January Membership Breakfast Meeting on Eventbrite.
Jan. 14 – Living Sent Ministries Lunch
The Living Sent Ministries Murfreesboro Inspirational Lunch will be Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 11:45 a.m.–1 p.m. at Wilson Bank and Trust (3110 Memorial Blvd.). Arthur Davis and Gene Garcia will share their stories. The purpose of Living Sent Ministries is to inspire and equip business and professional leaders at all levels to live out their Christian faith. RSVP to bob.williams@alhambrapartners.com.
Jan. 14 – Business After Hours
The Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce will hold its January Business After Hours networking event at Middle Tennessee Electric (555 New Salem Hwy.) on Tuesday, Jan. 14, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Admission is $15 for chamber members and $25 for non-members. For more information on this and other Chamber of Commerce events and ribbon cuttings, visit rutherfordchamber.org and find Events.
Jan. 14 – Rutherford Cable Empowerment Gathering
Living Baggage Free for 2025 is about taking a journey of reconciling any emotional baggage that will keep you from reaching your full potential in 2025. What holds you back from your goals, your dreams? What patterns have you carried with you for so long that it has built a wall between you and your full potential? Review what emotional baggage is and how, if unreconciled, we pass it to our children. Talk about steps you can take to move forward, overcome your obstacles, find the leader in you and live your full potential while using that potential to serve others. The meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 7:15–9 a.m. at The Fountains at Gateway (1500 Medical Center Pkwy.). Registration closes at noon on Friday, Jan. 10. There will be a $5 late fee afterwards; walk-ups are welcome. Remember to drop your business card in the basket for a chance to win a door prize, and grab a card on the way out to make an additional connection. For more information, visit rutherfordcable.org or email yourrutherfordcable@gmail.com.
Jan. 14 and 21 – After School Climbing Club
The Smyrna Outdoor Adventure Center (100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E., Smyrna) hosts an After School Climbing Club from 4 to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays Jan. 14 and 21. Participants can climb on the indoor rock wall and challenge themselves. Climbers must weigh at least 50 pounds and wear closed-toed shoes and appropriate climbing attire. The cost is $2 per person. All ages, as well as walk-up guests, are welcome. For more information, call 615-459-9710 or email soac.group@townofsmyrna.org.
Jan. 16 – The Connection at Champy’s
Champy’s World Famous Fried Chicken will host the January 2025 installment of The Connection: An Evening of Professional Networking and Business Brainstorming from 5–7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16. All Middle Tennessee entrepreneurs and professionals are welcome to attend this casual, free, no-obligation networking event, where they can meet other small business owners and tap into one another’s experience and energy. Networking begins at 5 p.m. with introductions at 6 p.m. Champy’s is located at 1290 NW Broad St.
Jan. 19 – UFO Themed Brews & Brushes
The Public House hosts a special evening of artistry on Sunday, Jan. 19, with local artist Vanity Lisa as attendees create a custom painting. The two-hour experience includes all supplies, instruction and a take-home canvas that you painted. The January piece of artwork features a UFO in the night sky. The Brews & Brushes event begins at 4 p.m. The Public House is located at 300 Bradyville Pk., Readyville. For tickets and more information, visit thepublichousetn.com.
Jan. 23 – Realtors Power Up, The Pathway to Success
Join Primis Mortgage for Realtors Power Up 2025 – The Pathway to Success with Bill Sparkman on Thursday, Jan. 23, from 10 a.m.–noon at Middle Tennessee Association of Realtors (311 Butler Dr.). Learn how to increase your income without working more hours, how to separate suspects from prospects, tools to help you run your business like a business, how to get your buyer off the fence of hesitation, painless prospecting and how to stand out in a crowded industry. For more information, call 615-416-4464.
Jan. 24 – 4th Friday Fun*Working
The monthly “fun working” event at Cedar Glade Brews is held the fourth Friday of every month from 5–7 p.m., presented by Reed and Associates of Primerica and Spread the Positive at Cedar Glade Brews (906 Ridgley Rd.). The event is focused on shining a light on what’s going right. Each month the event highlights a business making a positive impact in the local community and gives the public an opportunity to talk with them. Meet some of your favorite STP podcasters and get to know the people behind the microphone. There will be a food truck onsite, so grab a drink and a bite while you connect with the best in the ’Boro. For more information, find 4th Friday Fun*Working on Facebook.
Jan. 25 – Lightning’s Birthday Party
Prior to the MTSU women’s basketball team’s tip-off against the Lady Techsters on Saturday, Jan. 25, all Blue Raider Kids Club members and their families are invited to celebrate Lightning’s birthday. From 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. MTSU will be celebrating everyone’s favorite mascot in Auxiliary Gym 1 inside the Historic Murphy Center. The celebration will include arts and crafts stations, an inflatable, photo booth, and a sweet treat for children in attendance. Other mascots are welcome to attend the celebration and will be invited onto the court to wish Lightning a Happy Birthday before the game! For more information on your business participating in the celebration, email bwolf@mtsuas.com.
Jan. 25 – Cardboard Classic
The Cardboard Classic will take place at Pioneer Park (203 Pioneer Dr., Smyrna) from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 25. Participants will compete to see who has the most creative and fastest cardboard sled in three age divisions: 12 and under, 13–18, and 19 and up. S’mores will be available onsite. The cost is $15 per sled if pre-registered or $20 per sled for day-of registration. For more information, contact heather.sanderson@townofsmyrna.org.
Jan. 25 – Casino Night
Play blackjack, Texas hold’em, Omaha, 3-card poker, roulette and craps at a special Saturday, Jan. 25, casino night at The Public House. Doors open at 6 p.m. for happy hour followed by three hours of table play. Raffle prizes are up for grabs based on chip count at the end of the night. Buy-back-in available until the last half hour of game play. Tickets include access to a snack table. Casino night is 21-and-up event. The Public House is located at 300 Bradyville Pk., Readyville. For tickets and more information, visit thepublichousetn.com.
Jan. 25 – “Souper” Friends for Smyrna Library
The Friends of Smyrna Library (FOSL) invites the public to its “Souper” Friends Membership Drive on Saturday, Jan. 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Smyrna Public Library Program Room. This annual event provides soup and crackers and an opportunity to learn about the ways to support Smyrna’s local public library and join FOSL. FOSL members at the event are eligible to sign up for door prize drawings for gift cards to the British Shoppe, La Tavola and Front Street Pub. Representatives from the Smyrna Fire Department will judge the soups. Since the mid-1980s, FOSL has walked alongside Smyrna Public Library to help provide for programming that the library’s annual budget cannot completely cover. Through grant writing, fundraisers and volunteer hours, FOSL has helped provide computers, library furniture, books and more to promote literacy in the community. For more information on Friends of Smyrna Library and the Jan. 25 event contact FOSL President Theresa Pickett at tpickett7982@gmail.com or visit facebook.com/friendsofsmyrnalibrarytn.
Beginning Jan. 25 – Make a T-Shirt Quilt
Sign up for this four-session class to make a T-shirt quilt using your T-shirts (12–20 suggested) and materials to create this unique quilt at the Rutherford County Extension Auditorium (315 John R. Rice Blvd.). On each of the four Saturdays, the course teaches new techniques and the next steps, giving you time to work on it with our experts. There will be homework to keep the pace of the class moving over the 12 weeks to completion. Classes are Saturdays, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, March 1 and March 29 from 9 am–noon. The cost to join is $40. For more information or to register, email melissa@utk.edu or call 615-898-7710.
Jan. 27 – Murfreesboro Chess Lunch
Who wants to play a game of chess? Come out to Carmen’s Taqueria (206 W. Northfield Blvd.) from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27, for chess, cheese dip and chimichangas. Community members interested in gathering and networking with other area chess enthusiasts to play and discuss chess, promoting the game of chess locally, sharing ideas on how chess can benefit others, or involving their business in chess events and tournaments can come to a Murfreesboro Chess Lunch the fourth Monday of each month at Carmen’s. For more information, find an event page for Murfreesboro Chess Lunch on Facebook, email bracken@boropulse.com or text/call 615-796-6248.
Jan. 28 – Murfreesboro Technology Council Social
The Murfreesboro Technology Council will kick off its 2025 education and social series on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 5:30 p.m. at Murfreesboro Datasuites (1020 W. College St.). This tech-centric event will include food and drinks, tours of the Datacenter and discussions on the future of technology in the community. A free laptop will be given away. All are welcome at the free event. RSVP at murfreesborotechnology.com or call 615-545-2789 or email info@murfreesborotechnology.com for more information.
Jan. 31 – Clinical Collab: Warm Up & Connect
RSVP to join Rutherford Clinical Collab (hosted by Arch Academy and TrustPoint Hospital) in partnership with Voice of Heart Center for a cozy warm-up session, hot cocoa and positive vibes to connect with fellow attendees at TrustPoint Hospital (805 S. Church St., #STE 9) on Friday, Jan. 31, from 9:30–11 a.m. This in-person event is all about connecting with fellow clinical professionals in a relaxed setting. Share stories, swap ideas and enjoy the good vibes. For more information, find Rutherford Clinical Collab – Warm Up & Connect: Hot Cocoa and Good Vibes on Eventbrite.
Jan. 31–Feb. 2 – HackMT
HackMT 2025 is an annual hack-a-thon and project expo hosted by the Middle Tennessee State University Department of Computer Science beginning on Friday, Jan. 31, at 6 p.m. and ending at noon on Sunday, Feb. 2. The purpose of the event is to gather software developers, visual designers, programmers and computer/data science students from local universities, and professionals from local industry to form teams to invent new web platforms, mobile apps and electronic gadgets over 36 high-intensity, uninterrupted hours. This annual event should be an excellent opportunity to learn new things, hone skills and interact with students from MTSU and other universities as well as industry professionals. For more information, visit csc.mtsu.edu, find HackMT 2025 on Eventbrite or email joshua.phillips@mtsu.edu.
Feb. 1 – Plunge Into Fitness
Kick off your 2025 fitness goals at the annual cold-water “polar” plunge, along with a fun run, exercise sampler classes, healthy snacks and more as a great way to keep fitness goals in check at Sports*Com (2310 Memorial Blvd.) on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 8 a.m. until noon. The outdoor plunge will take place at 11 a.m. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 615-895-5040.
Through Feb. 2 – Winterfest
Fountains at Gateway (1500 Medical Center Pkwy.) hosts its annual outdoor ice rink, Winterfest, through Sunday, Feb. 2. Normal operating hours are 4–8 p.m. on Thursdays, 4–9 p.m. on Fridays, 12–9 p.m. on Saturdays and 12–8 p.m. on Sundays (closed Monday–Wednesday). Admission includes tax, skate rental and 90 minutes on the ice. Ages 13 and up: $15; Kids 4–12: $12; Kids 3 and under: free. For more information and upcoming hours of operation, visit fountainswinterfest.com.
Ongoing – Special Kids Race Registration
The Special Kids Race is set for Saturday, March 15, with new race experiences for all athletes for 2025. Run, walk or roll race distances of 15K, 10K or 5K, all with new course routes. The 10K and 15K athletes will run to the Stones River National Battlefield Visitor Center, followed by one loop through the National Battlefield itself. The 15K runners will then separate to make their way west into the Park Drive neighborhood and back to Old Nashville Highway to head home. The 10K athletes will return via the Cotton Field Trail on McFadden Lane. The 5K athletes will run to the Stones River National Battlefield Visitor Center and back, via the Cotton Field Trail, before heading to the finish line via Old Nashville Highway. All courses will start and finish at the Murfreesboro Medical Clinic on Garrison Drive. In addition to the race, there will be a fun zone, refreshments, a family fun run and activities for all ages. For more information or to register, visit specialkidsrace.com; learn more about the Special Kids organization at specialkidstn.com.
Feb. 8 – Sadie Hawkins Dance
Get ready to dance the night away at the Sadie Hawkins Dance at the Williamson Family Farm (3250 Wilkinson Pk.) on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 6–10 p.m. This is an event where tradition takes a twist—the girls ask the guys. It’s a celebration of fun, fashion and fantastic music. Enjoy a live band to set the mood alongside plenty of food and drinks (sold separately) to stay fueled for the night. Dress to impress in your favorite era—whether you’re channeling the Roaring ’20s, grooving in the ’70s, or bringing back the bold looks of the ’80s or beyond. The best costumes of the night will be crowned King and Queen, so make sure to bring your A-game! And don’t miss the couples’ dance competition for a chance to show off your moves. Admission is $20 for individuals, $30 for couples and VIP tickets are available. For more information, visit williamsonfamilyfarm.com or call 615-995-6682.
Ongoing – F3 Workouts
F3—which stands for fitness, fellowship and faith—holds free, outdoor, peer-led workouts for men across the country. The free weekly workout sessions welcome all men and always end with a “circle of trust,” emphasizing the group’s commitment to faith. In Murfreesboro, F3 holds workouts on the Murfreesboro Public Square at 5 a.m. on Tuesdays; at Oakland Middle School (853 Dejarnette Ln.) at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesdays; at the Murfreesboro Medical Clinic/Gateway Island parking lot (1272 Garrison Dr.) at 5 a.m. on Thursdays; and at Old Fort Park (201 Golf Ln., at the north entrance parking lot) at 6 a.m. on Saturdays. In Smyrna, F3 meets for workouts at Cedar Grove Elementary (354 Chaney Rd., Smyrna) at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesdays; at Thurman Francis Arts Academy (221 Todd Ln., Smyrna) at 5:30 a.m. on Thursdays; and at Stewarts Creek High School (301 Red Hawk Pkwy., Smyrna) at 6 a.m. on Saturdays. The group meets every week, rain or shine, hot or cold. For more information, visit f3murfreesboro.com.
Mondays – Connect Murfreesboro
Join Connect Murfreesboro each Monday from 9–10 a.m. at BoomBozz Craft Pizza & Taphouse (2839 Medical Center Pkwy.) for a casual networking event designed to connect professionals, build relationships, drive referrals and help grow businesses. Please prepare a 60-second pitch about who you are and what you do, as well as a specific referral request for attendees on what can be done to help promote your business. The approximately 20-minute period at the end of each meeting is reserved for members to set up one-on-ones and socialize. For more information or directions, visit connectnashvillenetworking.com/events.
Mondays – Monday Night History
The Patriot Institute presents free Monday Night History classes every Monday night at 6:30 p.m. at Champy’s World Famous Fried Chicken (1290 NW Broad St.). The instructor, Galen Walker, formed The Patriot Institute in 2015 and has taught Monday Night History at various locations ever since. Classes started back with the Greek City-States, have progressed through Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Pilgrims, the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition and other topics. Monday Night History will begin 2025 on Monday, Jan. 6, with a discussion of the Native American Confederations and will then move to The War of 1812. For more information, visit thepatriotinstitute.org or find The Patriot Institute on Facebook.
Mondays – Technology Coach
Bring your phone, tablet and laptop questions to our volunteer Technology Coach and they will help work out the answers on Mondays at 1 p.m. at the Technology Engagement Center (306 Minerva Dr.). For more information, visit rclstn.org.
Tuesdays – Old-Time Music Jam Session
Get those fingers moving and join in the jam sessions on Tuesdays in January from 1–2 p.m. in the Lions Club building at Cannonsburgh Village (312 S. Front St.). Bring your own instrument and enjoy an afternoon of sharing old-time music. This session is free and open to all ages with no reservations required. Spectators are welcome. For more information, call 615-890-0355.
Wednesdays – Networking for Awesome People
Are you looking to meet and connect with other local business owners? Do you want to grow your network and pick up some skills along the way? Networking for Awesome People meets each week on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. at the Achieve Entrepreneur and CoWorking Center (1630 S. Church St.). All you need to bring is a good attitude. Each attendee gets about a minute to explain what they do and what they need, followed by a discussion question of the week. Networking for Awesome People encourages open discussion to help everyone grow. For more information, find a Networking for Awesome People group on Facebook.
Wednesdays – Wild Wednesday
Wild Wednesday will take place at the Smyrna Outdoor Adventure Center (100 Sam Ridley Pkwy. E.) from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday. Discover something wild about the natural world. Activities may include meeting a SOAC animal or participating in a nature-based activity. There is no cost to participate, but registration is suggested through Community Pass. All ages are welcome. For more information, call 615-459-9710 or email soac.group@townofsmyrna.org.
Thursdays – Learn to Sew
In these classes (1700 Irby Ln.) you will learn about taking measurements, fabric and yardage needed, how to read a pattern, and get to choose to sew elastic waist pants or skirts on Thursdays in January (9, 16, 23 and 30). The cost to join is $50. Adult classes are held from 2:30–4:30 p.m., with high school classes held from 6–7:30 p.m. For more information or to register, email melissa@utk.edu or call 615-898-7710.
Thursdays – Tales to Tails at Smyrna Public Library
Tales to Tails is a heartwarming library program at Smyrna Public Library designed to combine the joy of reading with the therapeutic benefits of spending time with dogs. In this paw-some program, participants are invited to come to the library to read aloud to the friendly therapy dogs in a relaxed and supportive environment. Ten-minute slots are available on Thursdays starting at 3 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Email smyrnays@rclstn.org or call 615-459-4884 to reserve your spot.
Fridays – C3 Networking
C3 is an open networking group for local business professionals at Achieve Entrepreneur and CoWorking Center (1630 S. Church St.) held on Fridays from 8:30–10:30 a.m. The mission is to build relationships, connect local businesses with potential clients, support each other’s professional growth and educate people on how to participate in the local community. Complimentary coffee and snacks are provided. For more information, find Prohibition Home Brewing on Facebook.
Fridays – Murfreesboro Community Chess
Murfreesboro Community Chess meets at McAlister’s Deli (2357 Medical Center Pkwy.) every Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. Organizers invite those of all ages and skill levels to this casual chess meetup each week. Those attending may bring a board and a clock if they can, but there should be plenty of supplies on hand.
Saturdays – Historical Society Coffee & Conversation
The Rutherford County Historical Society has been preserving and promoting Murfreesboro’s local history since 1971. The RCHS aims to be a community resource for those researching their family, property or perhaps just old fun facts. The Historical Society hosts Coffee & Conversation each Saturday morning from 9 a.m.–noon at the Ransom School House Museum (717 N. Academy St.). This is a very informal, fun and informative event. Bring old photos or questions about the past to ask members, and enjoy free coffee and donuts. For more information, visit rutherfordtnhistory.org.
Sundays – Coffee/Breakfast With a Veteran
All are welcome to join local veterans for coffee or breakfast and conversation on Sunday mornings from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at Joanie’s, located on the Public Square in downtown Murfreesboro.
‼️Save the date! 🗓️
April 12th (2-8pm) 🦋
For an unforgettable experience at the Butterfly Festival! 🦋
Walk through our green house and enjoy the experience to be surrounded by 2,000 butterflies 🦋
Sponsored by Learning Zone
📍Event location: 6790 John Bragg Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37127
At this event we will also have the following:
🛍️150+ vendors
Hot Air Balloon Rides
🎆Firework Show
🚂 Train Rides
🐹 Human Hamster Ball Inflatable
🐰Carnival Game – You could win a Free Bunny
🙆♀️4 Station Bungee Trampoline
🎮Rolling Video Games- Video Game Trailer
🐮Petting Zoo
🐍 Reptile Bus Interaction
🎨 Face Painting
🎶 Live Music
🍔 🛻 Food Trucks
Comment February 20, 2025 @ 10:39 am