The Train Daddy is back with sports news, life lessons and politically incorrect talk. All aboard! Happy New Year to you, the reader! 2025 is going to be a year to remember—I can feel it, good vibes incoming.
You want to hear something amazing? The Murfreesboro Pulse is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary! 2025 marks 20 years of this publication working tirelessly for the people of Middle Tennessee to enjoy.
I haven’t been with this publication since Day 1, but almost. I started writing my sports articles way back in 2008. I am thankful for the family behind the scenes of this paper, the folks who make the wheels go round. I am thankful for the many years of friendship.
I am happy to call the Mayo family friends and I am thankful they have given me this platform to express myself on topics from sports to politics to random social issues. I talk about it all, and they have rarely censored me. I have never claimed to be the smartest, but I have always claimed to be genuine, and I thank the Pulse for allowing that all these years.
On the website, boropulse.com, you can find all of my past work dating back to 2008. I recently went back and looked at them all and found some of my favorite quotes from past articles. Enjoy!
August 2008, “Oh my, I can smell the football season upon us. Fresh beer, loaded nachos and first downs for my team all year long.”
January 2009, “And to Ms. Courtney, with whom I attended the Steelers game: don’t ever bring that damn towel back in my stadium. Next time we won’t just stomp it, I’ll use it to wipe my dirty.”
March 2009, “If you have a problem with hockey or the Train, send a letter to the editor. If that’s not kosher enough for you, you can find me, and I will knock you out like my man Tootoo does game after game.”
May 2009, “You know the NBA bigwigs are getting off just thinking about a Cleveland vs. Lakers matchup. They only see big money rolling in, King James vs. Sir Kobe Bryant.”
July 2009, “Rest in peace, Steve, you are one of my all-time heroes on the field and your legacy will not be forgotten. I will tell my kids of a man among boys who was a rare breed of QB and played the game with heart and passion.”
August 2010, “Just like 2-Pac wondered if there was a ghetto in heaven, the Z-Train wonders if there is football in the afterlife.”
August 2011, “Every weekend, Lady Football is there to please us men, and she finds new ways to tickle my pickle every Sunday.”
February 2012, “Sex, like basketball, is a team sport. If one of you is making all the moves and the other is just lying there, you’re not going to have good sex. You have to learn to play together, and if you do, you can score repeatedly.”
October 2012, “I am going to stay away from Titans talk as much as possible, but real quick, here’s my two cents on the matter. The Titans suck and that is everything in a nutshell.”
February 2013, “There is nothing better than good friends, good food, good drinks and a huge television.”
December 2013, “The turkey has been stuffed, football is in its prime, Christmas is just around the corner and the Titans can suck my eggnog.”
August 2014, “There is no better feeling than leaving Me-Ma’s house full of spaghetti after a Titans victory. Those are the days when you appreciate the joy that friends, family and sports can truly bring.”
December 2014, “What can’t pass, can’t run, can’t catch, and wouldn’t be able to defend a nut from a squirrel if lives were at stake? The 2014 Tennessee Titans.”
June 2015, “Just as Billy Graham spread the word of the Gospel, the Me-Ma spread the good news of the glory of American football.”
January 2016, “The NBA vs. the NRA: it’s time for a shootout; one side uses balls, the other uses firearms.”
August 2016, “Men and women of all races have died defending what that flag stands for, giving their lives so a childish brat like Colin Crapernick has the right to make $20 million a year playing with a ball.”
February 2017, “I am humbled that people read the words I compose for every issue. If I can make a few folks smile, laugh and think, well, that’s a bonus, because I simply enjoy creating these masterpieces.”
April 2017, “It will be interesting to see how feminists handle it when trans women in sports become more prevalent.”
June 2017, “I was fingered! That’s right, I was fingered against my will. I ended up in the infamous section Cell Block 303 and they had me; I was Fang Fingered.”
January 2018, “Players, shut up and play, Mr. President, shut up and be presidential and sports networks, shut up and cover sports.”
July 2018, “Every July 4 there are two guarantees for me. I watch Independence Day and pretend to be Will Smith. I am a black man who gets jiggy with it and shows the world how badass America is. The other guarantee, I pretend to be Joey Chestnut, a man who knows how to stuff an insane amount of wieners down his throat in 10 minutes.”
March 2019, “Faith, Family, Football, Food and Friends, that’s a man walking a righteous path, a sexy man like myself.”
December 2020, “I can’t imagine living in one of these progressively run cities where draconian measures on gatherings have been enacted. I am very thankful I live in Tennessee.”
February 2021, “By the time the Super Bowl is done, the average football fan will have eaten almost 2,000 calories: the average me will have eaten nearly 10,000 calories!”
March 2021, “The Biden administration signed a stupid executive order that proclaims that trans athletes in high schools and colleges may compete with the sex they identify as.”
June 2021, “Tennessee, without doubt, is the best state in the country.”
October 2021, “I’ve come to realize haters make the most loyal readers, and without you this entire thing wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.”
March 2022, “Allowing transgender athletes to compete willy-nilly (no pun intended) is an absolute disgrace.”
April 2022, “Make no doubt about it, Rocky Top has some of the best, most loyal fans in the entire country. There are a lot of people who enjoy seeing UT lose, yet one thing rings true. No matter what, Tennessee fans stay loyal.”
February 2023, “If the state of Tennessee got an MLB team would I stop being a Braves fan? It tears at my heart, but it’s an easy answer. I would immediately support that local team, and the Braves would be a part of my past.”
May 2023, “The reality is trans women are dudes born with twinkies who at some point, just like Shania Twain, started feeling like a woman. Biology matters in sports!”
January 2024, “Was 2023 a good year for the Tennessee Titans? Can you milk a chicken? No!”
October 2024, “Between this article and the next I will have turned 40 years old, and we will have a new president. I don’t know about you, but for the sake of my wallet I sure hope President Trump is victorious.”
December 2024, “Once Titans season wraps up there will be some very interesting debates on what direction this team should go in the offseason as we gear up towards another high draft pick.”
Alright, back to reality! I spent a long time combing through my old articles and those quotes are just a few that stuck out.
I am beyond grateful to the Pulse and the family behind the scenes that makes it possible. Thank you so much! Hopefully we have many more years ahead of us, and hopefully the damned Titans can win me a Super Bowl before they put me six feet under also. LOL.
Happy New Year. The Train is rolling into the station. Choo-choo!