The Center for the Arts hosts the first play of the new year with “Seussical the Musical,” opening Thursday, Jan. 10. I have been to five rehearsals in the past few weeks and watched this presentation grow into what promises to be a fine showing of talent from about 25 teenagers.
What? You ask, and ask you may.
As these talented folks will have their day.
From the elephant to the Cat, why a magical act.
And you will undoubtedly notice the Hat.
And Gertrude is there, why yes Ms. McFuzz.
The talent at the Center is all in a buzz.
And with E. Roy Lee and Jesse Cannady in the direction.
The audience will definitely make the connection.
If I Ran the Circus, you’ll honestly agree, the maddening ruckus was made just for me.
For me you say? Who did you say? Why Horton heard that, and go see this play!
This play is the amalgamation of the good Doctor’s books, and after 50 years, none of the stories have lost their charm. This play is for an audience of all ages, as we have all grown up with Dr. Seuss.
Dale Richardson has worked hard on the choreography, and all of the actors have responded with tremendous pride.
Since the play will be over before the next issue of The Pulse comes out, reading the review in that issue will be too late to see the play, so I insist you just go and see this wonderful production by a terrific cast.
Book of Days
On to Murfreesboro Little Theater?not to be confused with the “Log Cabin on Ewing.” Folks, it is one and the same theater. I wince every time I hear it called the “Log Cabin.” It is the best small, quaint and inviting community theater in Murfreesboro, but there is nothing syrupy about it.
Pendulum 3’s production of Lanford Wilson’s “Book of Days” begins a two weekend run on Friday, Jan. 18 at the MLT, with director Bob Roberts engaging his actors in murder, politics and religion.
Dublin, Mo., is a small town faced with the dawn of a new millennium, yet clinging to the way things have always been. The biggest business in town is the local cheese factory, and the local preacher knows everyone in town by name . . . the biggest events of the year are graduation and the shows at the community theater. Everyone knows everybody, and secrets are hard to keep. (In the words of late-night TV host Craig Ferguson, “remind you of anyone you know?”)
I will not give the plot away, but this is a must-see presentation at MLT. I highly respect Mr. Roberts’ work in Murfreesboro theater, and urge everyone to pack the log cabin . . . er, the Murfreesboro Little Theater for these six shows.
With fine actors like Linda Cameron-Bayer, Bob Fish, Tony Lehew, Olivia Lovell, Steve Luboniecki, Mark Mazzone, Oriia Nenharma, Kyle Olsen, Brad Oxnam, Pat Prosser, Courtney Sadler, and Owen Sullivan, there is no reason not to go.
“Seussical the Musical” begins Jan. 10 at 7 p.m, and runs for 8 shows thru Jan. 20. at Center for the Arts.
“Book of Days” begins Friday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m., for six shows (two weekends) at Murfreesboro Little Theater.
Murfreesboro Little Theater
Feb. 15?“The Face of Emmett Till”
Feb. 29?“101 Dalmations”
Center for the Arts
Feb. 7?“Cinderella”
Lamplighter Theater
Feb. 15?“Much Ado About Nothing”
Patterson Park Theater
March 7 & 8?“The Vagina Monologues”
“High Society” by Cole Porter
Murfreesboro Little Theater
Sunday, Jan. 20 at 6 p.m.; Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 6 p.m.
Actors should prepare one verse and a chorus from a Broadway musical.
Directed by Wayman Price
“King Lear” by William Shakespeare
Center for the Arts
Sunday, Jan. 20 at 6 p.m. and Monday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m.
Auditions consist of readings from the script.
Directed by Bryan M. Booth