We got to have a good vibe, as friend of the Pulse Bob Marley says.
You just can’t live that negative way
If you know what I mean
Make way for the positive day . . .
Oh, what a new day
Today is a new day!
Whatever happened yesterday happened, whatever may happen tomorrow may happen, but you have now, and I encourage you to be still and know, to make the most of it, to stay positive.
Pain, negativity, quarrels, hate and suffering may, possibly, exist in the lives of some, but I always try to count my blessings, stay in control of my thoughts and find some enjoyment in every day.
I strive to be a solution man, not a problem child.
Once again, thanks to all who have read the Pulse, advertised with the Pulse, written stories for the Pulse, given ideas and feedback to the Pulse, and allowed the Pulse into your lives and businesses.
Sarah and I launched this thing in 2006.
Through staying positive, maybe a few miracles and focusing on doing our best with each edition, the publication is still Pulsing right along today.
Some ask occasionally: “So, you two do it all, then?”
Umm . . . no. That would be impossible.
It takes a village.
Thanks to everyone who has supported and encouraged. Thanks to the team.
While, as the team knows, the ongoing cycle of deadline after deadline requires time, dedication and energy, the journey continues to be incredibly interesting, presenting the opportunity to meet so many various individuals: beekeepers, bankers, recyclers, guitar players, auctioneers, aviators, retailers, delivery drivers, online marketing consultants, metalworkers and landscapers. Everyone has a different skill set and vision. What’s yours? bracken@boropulse.com
To all of the journalists: Do not ignore the warning of Oprah and others who are declaring that lately the media is under siege.
Lovers of liberty, American patriots, should insist always on a free press and free expression!
Some seem to think they have a right to control what another individual can or cannot say, which opinions are socially acceptable and which are hate speech, what stories the media outlets can or cannot cover, or that posting a social media comment with which they disagree with should be against some new law.
Thanks for the free speech advocates out there. Your work is always important.
That said, neither should one become too comfortable that what a particular media outlet reports is true.
Don’t trust the media, don’t trust politicians, don’t trust any one single source. If a subject is important, please, get a second, and third opinion.