I did get to see Vince Young’s debut home win for the Titans. The tickets came as a Sunday morning surprise courtesy of Z-Train and Scott.
From the looks of things lately, the boys in blue seem to be hurrying up the rebuilding process and the young guys are already itching to be contenders.
We’ll see.
Last delivery day the Pulsemobile suffered a flat tire.
The next morning a certain tire shop said “It’ll be about two hours before we can look at it.”
In contrast, The Hackett Brothers said “We just made some coffee.” Enough said.
If you’re in any local coffee shop, or other local business for that matter, and notice a conspicuous absence of The Pulse, please demand, upon penalty of explosion or vandalism, that they carry our fine rag.
For whatever reason, The Pulse is gaining a reputation as a local “liberal,” “left-wing” and “anti-establishment” voice, despite our outstanding invitation for anyone in the community to take advantage of our pages as a forum for expression. I’ll take that as meaning we’re an accurate gauge of Murfreesboro’s leanings.
People on both sides of the aisle seem to feel the federal government is too big. Either lower taxes or make better use of the massive amounts collected to actually benefit U.S. citizens.
I’ll go ahead and say I don’t feel being labeled anti-establishment is necessarily a bad thing. And if being liberal means I value the liberty intertwined in our country’s ethos to mythological proportions, count me in.
Bush signed some crazy stuff lately, this Military Commissions Act. Hey, I’m all for prosecuting anyone with legitimate ties to real terrorist acts, but giving the president or secretary of defense?in the current case, old man Rumsfeld?the power to appoint a tribunal that can label anyone an “unlawful enemy combatant” seems to be going a bit far. In this ill-defined measure, Congress effectively gives the executive branch a shortcut to strip anyone of their rights provided by the Constitution and international law.
And where was the press during this time?
Up the . . . well we’ll just say covering from all possible angles a perverted Congressional sicko. Granted he was a sicko, as afore stated. However, his suggestive e-mails to teenage boys were of little consequence to the national scope of politics when compared to the Constitutional manipulation of the administration as an either confused, distracted or brainwashed Congress gives a smiling thumbs up.
There’s only one solution, send in The Aqua Marine, that is John Cena, sporting a mermaid tail. The Aqua Marine is on a mission to save our Constitution from Bush, but while on his mission in Washington falls in love with Mark Foley and a hot young male lifeguard.
Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief