Dear Readers:
Tuesday is the night. Throw as many of your friends in the car as you can and head up that I-24 corridor to Nashville for Murfreesboro Pulse night at Greer Stadium. Here’s the deal?buy one get one free tickets to the Nashville Sounds game Aug. 28 with a copy of The Pulse. You’ve already gotten over the first hurdle, you have the magazine in your hands.
This year the Sounds are enjoying the best record in their AAA league and should enter the playoffs full steam ahead.
With MTSU back in session, all the missing pieces are back in place around this community. Remember to keep a Pulse with you at all times. You never know when it can come in handy.
Well, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp has secured the Wall Street Journal, one of its finest jewels so far.
Perhaps this means the paper will finally have a respectable MySpace page. Now that I think about it, ole’ Rupert doesn’t really spend too much time on HisSpace himself. Does he not even believe in his product enough to spend just a few hours a day on MySpace, commenting away like a giggly school girl?
Guess not.
As an observer of news, I worry, like many, that Murdoch and other media moguls will pander to big government and the FCC and give their audiences watered down versions of the news. Yet as a member of the greatest media empire in Murfreesboro I don’t want the government telling media what it can own.
While this issue promotes a local bikini contest, do think about the Body Design Pattern that Daisy introduces us to. If all people think of their bodies and clothing as art, they will take more pride in themselves, have more confidence and the world will be a more beautiful place.
I saw the beauty in one of God’s fine creatures during a recent trip to Florida. Many saw just a mean spirited, pinchy little ghost crab, but I saw a marvelous work of art with strange extensions coming from his mouth that he used to scrub off his eyeballs (perched far atop his head giving him nearly 360-degree vision), and blow bubbles when he was happy. He pinched my finger with the force of a crab twice his size?but unfortunately, Willie is no longer with us.
I had big plans for him and he will be greatly missed.
Dolphins, sting rays, jelly fish, sharks, pelicans and ghost crabs provided a nice escape from Tennessee, but into some nightmarish underwater deadly kingdom.
I swam a bit farther than Sarah gave me credit for. It was exhausting, but worth it.
My bid to be the next Price is Right host thwarted, I gratefully remain your editor.
Bracken Mayo, Editor in Chief