Consider This will present A Good Old-Fashioned Big Family Christmas at its Old Nashville Highway theater Dec. 6–15.
In the production, Hayden Stewart’s wife, Judith, and her sisters, Carla and Beth, are worried about their parents.
“They argue all the time,” Judith says. When she mentions this to Hayden, he casually suggests maybe the women could spend some time with their parents and squelch any such arguments. The next thing Hayden knows, Judith is planning a huge Christmas party with the whole family. This doesn’t set well with Hayden’s brothers-in-law, who have a hard time getting along with the family. However, as the party draws near, suddenly everyone is on their best behavior. The husbands, the wives, even the kids.
This party has more intrigue behind it than a whole host of spy novels by the time Hayden’s parents join them as the family tries to throw A Good Old-Fashioned Big Family Christmas.
The cast includes Sean Richardson, Pixie Convertino, Jim Trasport, Linda Laughlin, Jess Townsend, Robert Wilson, Faith Sturgeon, Stephen Thompson, Shelby Ramares, Ashlyn Townsend, Elliot Richardson, Malinda Brafford, Pam Pate and Danny Wells. R.J. Palhegyi directs.
Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, Dec. 6, 7, 13 and 14; and at 2 p.m. on Sundays, Dec. 8 and 15.
Consider This is located at 7120 Old Nashville Hwy.
Find tickets and more information at Doors open 30 minutes prior to each performance.