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Steered Straight Thrift


I wanted to compliment Nadeem for his article “Impending Inevitable Migration: The Essentials of a Workable Plan” in the last Murfreesboro Pulse.

As someone who works retail and a second job in pizza delivery at minimum wage, I believe minimum wage should be dropped so that the true value of jobs will be determined by the market. This would reduce the artificial push for immigration . . . while decreasing the cost of living for everyone, and increasing the pay for jobs that really deserve it.

I also believe that legal immigration should really be increased. We have no economic reason to limit the number of people entering the country. As you said, this would separate the harmful from the non-harmful. Immigration only increases the standard of living for everyone, and increases the number of jobs available.

Bring it on.

? Micah Redding


Thank you for your kind remarks. It is indeed your own perceptiveness that deserves the compliment, because you have successfully connected an immigration policy issue at a national level to the real lives of human beings in a small place we call the ’Boro.

Moreover, you have explained that immigration, at least in part, is induced by the artificial wage gap that is generated by the minimum wage law. While you make this sound obvious, it is actually a novel point that is absent even in sophisticated analyses.

Thanks for bringing this insight and an approach of refreshing openness to the readers of The Pulse.

? Nadeem Naqvi


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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