The cast of zany characters known as Rubiks Groove—Pee Widdy, Star Brite, Johnny, Eddie Van Scissorhands, Robo Chops, Team Wolf, Bill, Super Stario, Barf, Leonardo Di Turtle-O, Gwen Star-Fani and Boston Powers—will ring in 2021 at Hop Springs.
Put 2020 in the rearview mirror with music, fireworks, and champagne. The outdoor show will feature plenty of covered area and lots of room for the crowd to spread out.
Rubiks Groove plays gnarly rock, pop and hip-hop hits of the ’80s and ’90s with a show that includes skits, videos and costumes, all under a new 17,000-square-foot heated tent at Hop Springs.
Acoustic music will kick off the night at 6 p.m. with Rubiks Groove beginning its set at 9 p.m. A champagne toast and fireworks will mark the stroke of midnight.
Tickets start at $35. Hop Springs Beer Park is located at 6790 John Bragg Hwy., Murfreesboro. Find tickets and more information on New Year’s Eve with Rubiks Groove on Eventbrite.