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Covering Candidates who Weren’t Bought Off

I would like to take this opportunity to thank your paper for giving coverage to all the candidates listed on our ballot who ran for president (Freedom of Choice, Pulse Vol. 3, Issue 22). You truly are one of the very few who are still a voice for our Republic.

There are basically only two types of governments: the one that adheres to the concept that all people are created equal; that they all have an inherent right, to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. In order to protect these rights they have bound together to form the body of government to help and aid in protecting those rights. Fearing the natural tendency of government becoming a power unto itself they have enacted a Bill of Rights, “the law,” that enumerates what government definitely cannot do. We refer to this type of government as a government of, for and by the people.

The others adhere to the concept that there are only a few who are endowed to rule. Because of wealth and power they are able to force themselves onto the people. They in turn create a government to exploit and control the people. People exist only to serve government and those who control government. This is government from the top down. Government of, for and by special interest groups.

What is amazing is that 90 percent of the people want government, of, for and by the people, but they always seem to get a government that is 90 percent, of, for and by, the special interest groups. The reason is quite simple. The political candidates who are well financed are able to saturate us with the political rhetoric they know we want to hear, but in reality they are already bought and paid for by the special interest groups they will serve once elected. To top it off, most of the media, printed or electronic is also bought and paid for by the special interest groups. Even worse many of our so-called civic groups are also bought and dominated by the special interest groups.

The day people begin to realize that they are being deceived by the special interest groups they will stop wasting their vote by voting for the lesser of the orchestrated evil and will seek out those who truly represent their interests. Always remember it isn’t what they say that counts, it’s by what they actually did, are doing, or who they are serving that count.

? Clarence Jaeger,

Enough Straight Talk

John, your “opinion” written in the Oct. 30 Pulse was a joke.

You didn’t seriously think you were shielded from negative jabs or hate mail simply because you decided to vaguely pronounce that you’ve “dabbled” in minorities for your extra-curricular activities? It’s thinking like yours expressed in that article that continues to separate this country and make you just as much of a racist than those who blatantly display their Confederate flags.

If you have the audacity to lay the preposterous claim that blacks who are voting Obama are racist because he’s one of their own, you have no business doing what you’re doing if you’re not going to think about other factors that might possibly have influenced their decisions.

So, what say you on all the white skin-head Aryan-nation folks (racists), white hillbilly-redneck (racists), white conservative (racists), white pseudo-liberal (racists), W.A.S.P.s (racists) and other white voters who voted for McCain just because he is one of their own? I would have accepted and respected your opinion had you opted to fight fair and bring to light the many white people who may be just as uneducated and unaware about the “claimed” credentials and qualifications of Mr. McCain! Or are they excused because they are white, which, oh my goodness, wouldn’t that make you racist? What exactly is it about them (and you) that exclude them from being incorporated in the racist name calling?

The fact is that whites still make up the majority of this country and until the bulk of you, or all of you, decide to high-tail it back to England, whites will always be the most racial group within this country!

I believe if you stopped to think objectively while writing this article, instead of making assumptions, you might consider the notion that certain black Republicans and other Republicans are voting Obama because they’ve had enough of Bush. Did you ever stop to think that maybe their decisions were based on the fact that this country has been in the crapper for a very long time and with all his “qualifications” Bush had more than enough time to prepare and make adjustments, but only led us deeper into the Abyss?

I won’t affirm my racial or ethnic background to give any of you any form of satisfaction as to whether or not I’m a “minority” or “majority.” I absolutely will not affirm my preferences when it comes to my personal escapades to try and prove a political point. I won’t affirm which political party I belong to, or if I belong to one at all. I will tell you that apart from the boxes I’ve unavoidably been forced into by society, history and my peers, I am just a person.

? Charlie Queen,

I have been a reader of The Pulse for the past year. Never before have I been so disgusted than with recent “Straight Talk Press” articles that have been released. It’s not the political views that bothers me though; it’s the college freshman type journalism (if you can call it that) that bothers me.

Most recently, you accuse Colin Powell and several others of voting for Obama because he is black. Not only that, you have accused black people in general of being racist.

There is some truth in what you have written; yes some black people voted for Obama because he is black. Some women voted for McCain/Palin because a woman was on the ticket. Some senior citizens voted for McCain because he is old. I feel sorry for these people, but it is their vote and they can cast it as they wish. As far as qualifications go for the job of the President?being a war hero does not make you fit to be president. Have you ever considered that maybe people vote for the policies the candidate has or the plans they have put forward? Maybe it’s the fact that Obama has actual plans and actually presents these plans to the people instead of throwing mud. Maybe it’s the fact Obama has the intelligence, judgment and discipline to be president. Maybe graduating Harvard Law School and being president of the Harvard Law Review is something of an accomplishment. Maybe simply looking at the way Obama has successfully run his campaign has something to say about how he would run an administration. Whereas McCain spent all his money in the primaries and almost had to bow out, McCain has shown repeated lapse of judgment and has not shown to me that he has any sort of plan in where to lead this country.

And yes, we know you have a mixed race son and because of this you are not a racist. Congratulations in spreading your seed, please for the sake of humanity quit already.

I understand that it is good to have diversity and sometimes partake in sensationalism to bring out discussion. Though articles that create such a stir can easily turn people off if not written intelligently.

I will continue to read The Pulse because of its diversity and entertainment value. I only hope you can find someone who can present facts and opposing views without such a ridiculous writing style.

? Justin Grierson,


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The Murfreesboro Pulse: Middle Tennessee’s Source for Art, Entertainment and Culture News.

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