Did you know . . . February is National Heart Month? This month Morter Family Chiropractic would like to highlight chiropractic care and how it can help with heart health.
I am sure you are thinking wait a minute, what?! How?! How do heart health and chiropractic care go hand in hand?
The nervous system controls every function of the body. Let us make this easy: the central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. Off the spinal cord come the nerves that run throughout our body. This system controls every function of the body. So, is it safe to say that if any of those nerves coming off the spinal cord experience interference or “kinks,” the function of the attached organ may be compromised?
Think of a water hose when you roll it out. If it is straight, the water will flow through it properly with no issues. However, if your put a little pressure on it or even fully fold the hose, what happens? The water flow is restricted. Once, you release the pressure, the water flow is restored. The nerves that come off the spinal cord work in this same way.
We have seen a patient who did not want to be put on medication for his high blood pressure. He had researched ways to avoid medication. He had also suffered from neck pain and headaches for a while but never connected the two. Once he started researching, he found that chiropractic care could help. So, he gave it a shot.
Sure enough, his neck was in bad shape. After a month of care, he was able to return to his primary care physician with normal blood pressure levels. And, after finishing his corrective care recommendation, this individual became a long-time patient.
Does it now make a little more sense that our office has seen some patients see better heart health results after receiving chiropractic care? If the spine in their neck or mid-back is misaligned, that puts pressure on the nerves that control the function of the circulatory system. Once that spine is in proper alignment, the function is restored and the patient can experience overall better health.
Dr. Josh Morter, who takes a specific approach—motion X-ray analysis—is in the top 1 percent of chiropractors in the United States who use motion X-ray analysis to show him exactly where your spine is misaligned. Dr. Josh uses this method, which strings together multiple X-ray images to make a moving image of the spine, to focus on correcting the problem.
If you or anyone you know is experiencing any other health issues that you may not initially think a chiropractor could help with, give us a call. We are happy to do an exam and help guide you to better health. If it is not a chiropractic issue, Dr. Josh will get you connected with the right health professional for you.
Dr. Josh also recommends staying active, walking, swimming, riding a bike. Just move! We love challenging our patients to have better health. Often, Morter Family Chiropractic will do a walking challenge with its patients, talk to them about the importance of sleep or take part in a water challenge with them. Dr. Josh always wins this one. Never race Dr. Josh in a gallon-a-day challenge. His army instincts kick in and he will be done before we get through the morning shift.
Our hope is that each month we continue to provide you with information that you did not know about chiropractic care and educate you a bit about overall health. Morter Chiropractic strives to show that we care about our community and that we are here to help!
Until next time: Stay Healthy, Friends.
For more information on how chiropractic care can benefit blood pressure, visit tnchiro.com.