Turning Point Church hosted a pie-filled day on May 20 to support the local Adult and Teen Challenge, a faith-based addiction recovery support program for men.
Three judges diligently sampled all 19 pies entered in the pie contest. After deliberating, they selected Linda Park’s Kentucky Derby chocolate chip pie as the first-place winner.
Sean Moran of Red Barn Financial remained a good sport as attendees gave him a pie in the face.
The good-spirited event also included pie-eating contests, raffles, networking and lots of pizza pie and sweet pies as local businesspeople and supporters came together to support the ministry and addiction recovery.
For more information on Adult and Teen Challenge, visit atctn.org; for those with men in their lives who are addicted to drugs or alcohol and need help, contact Rev. Gene Garcia at 615-624-7878 or atcofmurfreesboro@gmail.com.