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Steered Straight Thrift

A Place to Connect, or Disconnect: Achieve Entrepreneur & CoWorking Center Gives Professionals a Comfortable Place To Work

Since the pandemic there has been a lot of buzz in the business world about remote working. The fact is, working from a distance is nothing new. As a Realtor, I remember helping a home buyer locate a residence that would have good internet access because he worked from a home office . . . over 20 years ago!

That experience was my first exposure to such concepts as employee monitoring software or online meetings. Back then, most internet connections were cable, and conference calls were held over the phone. Now, with the convenience of laptops and the omnipresence of Wi-Fi, office staffers can conduct their tasks from almost anywhere on the planet.

So, being at home is a convenience. Or is it?

That once-quiet side room could now be a den of activity. The hustle and bustle of family life can take its toll on an administrative worker, especially during the summer—not to mention the frustration one experiences from family members robbing them of all that precious Wi-Fi juice. For some, it’s necessary to identify a third space in relative quiet in order to be more productive.

The Achieve Entrepreneur & CoWorking Center is one of those spaces. Cash Miller, its proprietor, has been a serial business builder for several years.

Originally from Las Vegas, Miller grew up in the family upholstery business. But in the early ’90s he decided to enlist in the U.S. Army. He may have left the family trade, but he was armed with a lot of business knowledge and understood what it took to run a company.

He first served in artillery and then again in the transportation corps. While stationed in Afghanistan, Miller realized there was a certain amount of downtime in between military convoy runs. He used that time to learn more about computers and the internet. He even helped out some people he knew with online marketing and search engine optimization, just as a side hustle. Before long, he was maintaining the websites of multimillion-dollar companies—from the desert!

I asked him about where he got his early drive for business.

“The entrepreneurial spirit tends to come from my father, and family in general, because we all tend to not want to work for others,” he said.

The Achieve owner went on to say that “the military helps to instill a work ethic. Whatever the mission is, you achieve it.”

But Miller saw the potential of pursuing his new skillset after his time in the service. And so he did.

“Digital” marketing is online advertising with interactive banners that take the web surfer directly to the advertised site. As one of the earliest digital marketers in the industry, he started Titan Digital on South Church Street in Murfreesboro. Eventually, that company would have over 500 major clients across the nation.

That was a very successful endeavor, but after several years, the entrepreneur got a bit burned out with marketing. He wanted a new enterprise, one in which he could be more involved with all aspects of business. Also, COVID had changed the way many Americans worked, and his once-bustling office space was now pretty empty.

So, in early 2024, he sold Titan Digital and opened Achieve Entrepreneur & CoWorking Center in the same office facility. The new company maintains monthly memberships where both remote workers and entrepreneurs can have a beautiful, comfortable place to conduct business. It is also a hub for workshops, peer groups and business luncheons.

“Achieve is really a place for co-working, networking and masterminds. The mastermind is where you can learn from coaches or other business professionals,” Miller says. “A workshop is where you can get additional training in specific subjects.”

An avid reader, Miller believes there is a lot of available knowledge that would help others.

“You don’t necessarily have to read about your own industry. In fact, I think some of the best ideas come from tapping into other industries, because they may be doing something you would not have otherwise thought of.”

He has a lot of innovative ideas for his enterprise down the road.

Achieve Entrepreneur & CoWorking Center is located at 1630 S. Church St., Ste. #100. Check it out online at

You can also pop in for one of the public networking events or just give them a call to schedule a tour of the facility at 615-866-5438. Cash Miller will be more than happy to talk business and show you around.



About the Author

Blaine Little is the founder and CEO of Momentum Seminars Training and Coaching, a veteran owned business, helping companies remain profitable by investing in their people. He publicly trains and privately coaches the power skills of leadership, team building and better communication. Learn more about the power of Momentum at Be sure to get his book Managerial Mistakes, Missteps & Misunderstandings, available now on Amazon in paperback or Kindle format. Check out his podcast at

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